Artificial Intelligence, a digital, industrial and societal revolution. AI Strategy for Europe
AI: A new digital approach
For the first time in human history, Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables us to collect and process unfathomable amounts of information. More specifically, AI refers to systems that show intelligent behavior: by analyzing their environment they can perform various tasks with some degree of autonomy to achieve specific goals. Never before have we had the power to harness the movement and evolution of data without constant human supervision. This leap in technological capacity has left the biggest nations clamoring for a first-class ticket onboard this new trend in analytics. This technology is expected to take full advantage of the data collected by our personal devices and industrial sensors—however the way in which this will happen is still to be decided. As Europe stands on the forefront of human wellbeing and industrial prowess, the advantages from AI should be carefully and seriously considered. Although the United States of America (USA) and China may have already invested significant amounts of time and money into better understanding and deploying AI throughout their society, the European Union (EU) is not late to the party. In fact, through this edition of The European Files, one will find that the EU has particular advantages to support the Research and Development (R&D) of sustainable, ethical and impactful AI applications. The European Union (EU) is set to develop this important component for the future of industry and human development for the benefit of all its citizens. Unlike the USA or China, the EU is working to create a comprehensive strategy backed by intelligent investment, political foresight and dynamic enterprise. Throughout this issue, the potential of AI in a variety of sectors such as climate change, transportation and healthcare will be illuminated. Experts in this burgeoning technology sector as well as their political counterparts come together to outline a future in AI that is uniquely European and ultimately progressive.
- Realizing the potential of artificial intelligence via an EU-wide AI plan
, Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, Austria - AI Strategy for Europe
, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, European Commission - A moment to gain momentum – boosting European competitiveness with a joint strategy on Artificial Intelligence
, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany - AI technology systems, robotics and autonomous vehicles
, Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry and SME’s - Create an Artificial Intelligence eco-system for a digital transformation to ensure a better cooperation
, Slovenian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration - The Finnish initiative on AI startups
, Minister of Economic Affairs, Finland - Financing AI in Europe
, Vice President of the European Investment Bank - Artificial intelligence has to be the way forward for Europe
, CIO, Government Office of Estonia - Advances in ai technologies will enable the industry to leverage rapid growth in the volume of data to optimize processes in real time
, MEP (EPP Group), in charge the Digital Agenda for the EPP Group, Member of the LIBE Committee - Digitalisation and artificial intelligence in the electricity system
, Director-General for Energy, European Commission - TOTAL, a Global Energy Company, ahead in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
, CTO Total - Big data, IA, augmented intelligence: Building grids for the energy transition
, CEO of RTE - Consolidating europe’s ai strategy
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ITRE Committee, Chair of the European Internet Forum - AI in the Water Industry: Framing the opportunity to foster acceptance
, Senior Vice President and President, Europe Commercial Team, Xylem Inc. - AI is a promising field for European Industries: focus on SME’s
, MEP (EPP Group),Member of the IMCO Committee - Europe can take pole position in the global AI race – by focusing on our strengths
, Orgalime, the European Technology Industries, speaks for Europe’s mechanical engineering, electrical, electronics and metal technology industries - AI in industrial technologies – Europe’s hidden champions
, Director Industrial Technologies, DG RTD, European Commission - AI to resource the EU
, VEOLIA,Global Chief Information & Digital Officer - Paving the way for the digital economy of the future
, MEP, (EPP Group), Vice-Chair of the IMCO Committee, Rapporteur for the regulation for the free flow of non-personal data in the EU - The key element of AI to improve competitiveness in Europe
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the IMCO Committee - Artificial Intelligence: Optimizing Industrial Operations
, Chief Software Expert Siemens AG Corporate Technology - Building a human-centric AI strategy in Europe
, Director-General DIGITALEUROPE - Ensuring European leadership in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for industrial applications
, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Industry Business, Schneider Electric - European and International Standards for the next digital revolution
, Director General, CEN-CENELEC - Artificial Intelligence: A “Game Changer” for Cyber Defence
, Managing Director of CEIS - Research projects on robotics and AI: Public-private partnerships and European funding prospects
, MEP (S&D Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - The legal status for robots has opened the public debate on liability
, MEP (S&D Group), Chair of Working Group on Robotics, European Parliament - Artificial intelligence and the right to informational self-determination
, Global Data Protection Officer; Head of Data Protection and Privacy Head of SAP Export Control - Spartacus or legal personality as a human right
, MEP (S&D Group) Vice-President European Parliament, Member of the IMCO Committee - Security and Privacy are paramount in IoT solutions
, MEP (S&D Group), Vice-Chair Internal Market & Consumer Protection Committee - Artificial Intelligence Evokes Change in Society
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - A world run by self-learning algorithms – where does that leave consumers?
, Deputy Director General of BEUC - How AI is poised to transform healthcare
, Director General, DG Connect, European Commission - Ai for health applications
, Co-lead of Chief AI office of Nokia, Leader of deep learning research group in Nokia Bell Labs - Several AI technologies appear to be suitable for use in medical practices
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - Human-centered approach needed for an ai that delivers for citizens
, MEP (ALDE group), Vice Chair Internal Market & Consumer Protection Committee
, Director-General, DG RTD, European Commission