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Achieve European Global Leadership In Renewable Energy

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      The European Union’s ability to shape and stimulate the Energy Sector has matured since the previous energy directives and the energy and climate objectives set for 2020. With the Clean Energy for All Europeans package adopted by the Commission last November, the Energy policies and goals are revised in an ambitious way to match the accelerated progress and technological development made in recent past. The European Commission is well aware that the current framework needs to be more ambitious to further develop renewable energy sources beyond 2020 and integrate their growing share in the energy sector. It also sets the objective of achieving global leadership in renewable energies. Therefore, as part of its package, the Commission put forwards a regulatory framework to support the development of renewables and proposed a binding renewable target at EU-level of at least 27% by 2030. By 2030, it is estimated that 50% of the EU electricity will be generated by variable renewables…

      • Achieving European Global Leadership in Renewable Energy
        Miguel Arias Cañete, Commissioner Climate Action & Energy, European Commission
      • Ambitious targets for a carbon-free EU
        José Blanco Lopez, MEP (S&D), Rapporteur for the directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, Member of the ITRE Committee
      • Stronger Together: strong, transparent, multi-layer governance to incorporate the Paris Agreement into EU lawr
        Claude Turmes, MEP (Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance), Member of the ITRE Committee
      • Renewable energies: the best competitive option
        Dominique Ristori, Director-General DG Energy, European Commission
      • Renewables and gas: the perfect match for low carbon electricity in Europe
        Philippe Sauquet, President Gas, Renewables and Power, Total
      • Accelerating clean Energy Innovation
        Jerzy Buzek, MEP (EPP Group), Chair of the ITRE Committee
      • Obsession with targets, resistance against liberalisation
        Hans-Olaf Henkel, MEP (European Conservatives and Reformists Group), Vice-Chair of the ITRE Committee
      • Clean electricity as a key element of the EU climate strategy
        Ignacio S. Galán, Chairman & CEO of Iberdrola
      • Financing the Energy Transition
        Seán Kelly, MEP (EPP Group) Member of the ITRE Committee
      • Why European buildings hold the key to sustainability
        Bendt Bendtsen, MEP (EPP Group) – Rapporteur for the revision of the Directive for Energy Performance of Buildings, Member of the ITRE Committee
      • Public Funding for More Energy Efficient Cities
        Holger Matthäus, President, Senator for Buildings and Environment, City of Rostock, Germany
      • Renewable future in the energy sector: myths and reality
        David Berman, Head of Group Public Affairs, Veolia
      • Sustainable Investment in Renewable Energy
        Patrizia Toia, MEP (S&D Group) Vice-Chair of the ITRE Committee
      • New renewable energy rules should opt for gradual moves on biofuels
        Giuseppe Ricci, Chief Refining & Marketing Officer, Eni
      • The transition to a renewable based Energy Union
        Pilar Del Castillo, MEP (EPP Group) Member of the ITRE Committee
      • Smart Energy for Europe: it’s all about the interaction
        Frauke Thies, Executive Director, Smart Energy Europe
      • Energy Transition: No new leadership without territorial partnerships
        Eckart Würzner, Mayor of Heidelberg and President of Energy Cities
      • How citizens can take ownership of the energy transition
        Monique Goyens, Director General of the European Consumer Organisation
      • Paving the way for more renewables in Europe
        Kristian RUBY, Secretary General, Union of the Electricity Industry – EURELECTRIC
      • The missing link. 750 000 mercury thermometers and the renewable energy
        Dario Tamburrano, MEP (EFDD Group) Member of the ITRE Committee
      • Flexibility for smart distribution grids: key to achieving the energy transition
        Christian Buchel, Chair of EDSO for Smart Grids and Deputy-CEO, Chief Digital & International Officer (CDIO), of Enedis, EDSO for Smart Grids
      • Fuel switch to renewables in the heating sector
        Philippe Dumas, SECRETARY GENERAL of European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC)
      • Financing Clean Energy as boon to the Economy
        Fredrick Federley, MEP, (ALDE Group), Member of the ITRE Committee
      • Regulators please be brave
        Bertrand Piccard, Initiator and Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation